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The Environment of the Village
Nehru Era to the Vajpayee era, the agricultural India of now still needing basic conveniences, like beverage, electricity, streets, house, food and clothes”.
Our market is growing fast, Industries and enormous Corporate are going globalised, together with liberalisation, enormous Changes have been felt in 1T, manufacturing, Service industry, but nobody thinks of The agricultural.
After Gandhiji Informed the Famous author Mr. Mulk Raj Anand we can not construct India unless we construct villages. Gandhiji wanted To form the island separate republics, independent in government and also for Routine demands, governed by the people of these cities and separate For financial demands. In India seventy percent of our population sleep in villages, but the developmental schemes, for the event of rural segment aren’t given the specified priorities.
Our Indian economy system is developing fast day by day ,Indian corporate indisturies are going worldwide through internet technology , with liberalisation, tremendous changes are being felt in 1T, manufacturing, Service sector, but nobody thinks of the agricultural development to form it as fast as in these sectors. Then what all this progress and development means? Benefitting to 30% of the entire population, already developed and above poverty doesn’t mean actual development.
Visiting a village we discover even today houses made from mud, bamboos and grass, haven’t any protection against rains, storms, moisture and fire. Supplying of adequate beverage may be a tedious problem during which housewife and girls are devoting a large a part of the daily routine, fetching enough water from faraway area or standing within the queue for hours waiting their number at the general public tap. Illiteracy and particularly among the women is main peculiarity of our rural India. a couple of States tried to enroll and attract children in schools with the motivation of mid day meal scheme,but all an equivalent , universalisation of education remains a dream and there’s no lull within the number of annual drop outs. Rural poverty and illiteracy has given our country the dubious name where highest number of kid labourer within the world are on the j ob to feed this bellies. Health care is simply rudimentary and few doctors are willing to figure is country . Villagers are mostly contingent Vaidyas, or other RMPs for his or her medical needs. These migrated people build slums, Jugghies, Chawls or Cherries in cities to measure not so comfortably but haven’t any option as in cities they might find jobs, and will earn to fill their starving stomachs.
The present government realised the gravity of things and has taken some important measures to develop infrastructure within the countryside. The Pradhan Mantnri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) launched on Dec. 25, 2000, seeks to supply road connectivity through good all weather roads to all or any unconnected habitations having a population of quite 1000 persons by the year 2003 and people with a population of quite 500 persons by the top of the Tenth Plan Le. 2007. An investment of about Rs. 38000 crore has been made thus far within the water system sector. consistent with government sources, quite 15 lacs rural habitants are covered by the Provision of beverage facility. The revised Rural water system Programme envisaged :
(l) The involvement of the people within the choice of scheme design, control of finances and management arrangements.
(2) Shifting the role of state from direct service delivery thereto of facilitator.
(3) Costs are partly paid in cash or in kind or both.
(4) 100% duty Of maintenance and operation by end users.
Under the Pradhan Mann’I Gramodaya Yojana (PMGY), it’s suggested to tackle quality associated issues such as fluorides, Arsenic and iron contamination, blackishness and additionally sustainability of Beverage resources.The States also are being encouraged to market schemes of conservation , rain water harvesting spring water recharge in respect of regions where programmes like Desert Development Programmes, Drought Prone Area Development Programme are running.
A centrally sponsored sanitation programme for the agricultural areas was launched in 1986 to enhance the standard of life and to supply some quite privacy to women particularly. The concept of sanitation was further extended to incorporate personal hygiene, home sanitation, pure beverage , garbage and excreta and waste water disposal in 1 993. This programme includes construction of private sanitary Bathrooms for every families who are below poverty level, construction of bathrooms, construction of village sanitary complexes for ladies, fixing of sanitary marts, intensive effort for awareness generation and health education among the agricultural people with greater emphasis on neighborhood involvement.Ti112001, approximately90 lacs toilets are constructed under the programme.
Indira AwaasYoj ana was launched in 1985, to supply dwelling units to the people below poverty level , belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, freed bonded labourers and others . Since 1995-96, benefits under the schemes have also been extended to widows or next of kin of defence personnel killed in action, and ex-servicemen, and retired members of paramilitary forces as long as they fulfil’ the eligibility conditions of Indra Awaas Yojana . Selection of beneficiaries under IAY is to be done by the Gram Sabha. As per the reports around 80 lacs houses have been constructed under Indira Awaas Yoj ana up to 2001 . Other schemes for rural housing include the Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana, credit cum subsidy schemes for Rural Housing and Samagra Awaas Yojana. ‘
SGSY (Swamnajayanti Gram Swarojagar Yojana) was also launched on April 1. W99 to support the family income of rural poor. The scheme aimed toward establishing an outsized number of micro-enterprises for people or group or self help groups, so as to bring every assisted family above the poverty level . Four or five activities Identified in each block supported the resources, occupational skills of the people and therefore the availability of markets. With the beginning of SGSY, all the old rural development programmes like IRDP, DWCRA, TRYSEM etc. have ceased to work . additionally to discussed programmes and schemes there are numerous other programmes like employment assurance programme, Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana, National supplementary benefit Programme, Annapurana Scheme and therefore the like, for the event of the agricultural area.
Despite the many earlier and current programmes the real impact is that these are carrying on the growth and development of the country in quantitative and qualitative ways.we’ve to evaluate each programme, funds involved therein and therefore the result derived there from the foremost challenging task is to ascertain whether the funds are properly utilised. it’s paradoxically that before the Panchayats were made independent and powerful we’ve been accusing the bureaucrats for his or her corrupt practices, now the corruption has gripped the Panchayats also and it’s destroyed the very concept of rural democracy/ rural republic as envisaged by Gandhi ji. The funds are swindled away by the local leaders and officials who are alleged to implement them within the right spirit.
Though lot of initiative has been taken by this government to enhance the economic conditions of the agricultural people and providing infrastructure to spice up the agricultural economy, yet far more is required keeping in sight the peculiarity of our rural arm within the field of education, electrification, beverage and health and hygiene sector etc. The implementation is to be properly checked to bring the specified result.
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