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GE Universal Remote

How to Get 5-Digit Universal Remote Codes



Do you want 5-digit universal remote codes for your TV? Here you get all the 5-digit codes for your universal remote control.

All the remote codes are listed below in the table you have just crawled down. And find your TV brand in front of your TV brand-related codes are written. But these codes are helpful when you successfully programmed your universal remote control.

5 Digit Remote Control Codes For TVs

Mitsubishi    11250, 10178, 10093, 10150, 10836


GE   10047, 10451, 10055, 11347, 11447, 10051, 10178

Emerson, 10236, 10180, 10178,, 10623, 10154, 10463 , 10171, 11963

Daewoo   10092, , 10623,10672 , 10451, 11661 , 10661
Dell   11178, 11080


Fujitsu  10853, 10683 , 10809

Hitachi  10145, 11960, 11145 , 10151

GoldStar  10030 , 10178


Insignia    11204, 10171, 11963 , 12002

Hyundai 10849

Read More: New Rca Universal Remote Codes List 4 Digit


Fisher  10159, 10154

Envision 10813, 10030

JBL 10054


Hewlett Packard  11502, 11494

JVC  10731, 11253 , 10053
Haier 10768, 11034

LG  10178,, 10856, 11758, 11993, 11265 , 10700, 11178


Magnavox   10054, 10030, 10187, 10802, 11198, 11454 , 10706 , 10386

Panasonic, 1001, 10650, 11291, 11941, 10250 , 10055

Motorola  10055, 10093


Memorex   10463, 10178, 10154 , 10150

Hisense 10748

RadioShack, 10154, 10178, 10165, 10047 , 10180, 10030
RCA    10047, 10090, 11047, 11147, 11247, 11447 , 10679 , 11347


Sylvania   10030 , 11271, 11963, 10054, 10171 , 11314

Philips   10054, 10690, 11454

Samsung   10812, 10702, 10178, 10030, 10766, 10814, 11060, 10060


Sony   10000, 11317 11100

Sanyo    10088, 10159, 10154

  Best 4 Digit Universal Remote Codes for DVD Player

Sharp   10165, 11602, 10093 , 10386


Zenith  11265, 10178, 10092 , 10463 , 10017

Admiral   10463 , 10093

Toshiba  11256, 11265, 10060, 10845, 11156, 10156, 10650 , 10154


Vizio   10885 , 11758, 10864 , 11756

Sansui 10463

Westinghouse  10889, 10890, 11577 , 10885 , 11282


Nikko   10030, 10178 , 10092

Gateway  11756

Hallmark 10178


Prima  10783, 10817, 11933 , 10761 , 10815
Advent , 10783, 10817,  11933 , 10761 , 10815 , 10842

Symphonic 10171 , 10180
Polaroid  10865, 11262, 11314, 11523, 11991 , 10765 , 11276 , 11341
Infinity 10054
Techwood 10051
Anam 10180
Harvard 10180
AOC 10030
Apex Digital 10879, 10890 , 10748 , 10765 , 10767
Audiovox 10180, 10623, 10802, 10451 , 10092 , 10875
Aventura 10171

BenQ 11032
Bradford 10180
Broksonic  10463, 10236
Candle 10030
Carnivale 10030
Aiko 10092
Celebrity 10000
Celera 10765
Changhong 10765

Clarion 10180
Vidikron 10054
Contec 10180
Craig 10180
Crosley 10054
Crown 10180
Curtis Mathes , 10054, 10154, 10702, 10030, 10047 , 10451 , 10060 , 10093
CXC 10180
Denon 10145
Albatron , 10843, 10700
Dumont 10017
Durabrand , 10180, , 10171, 10463 , 10178 , 11034
Akai , 10702, 11903 , 10812 , 10030 , 10672
Electrohome 10463
ESA 11963 , 10812
Funai  10171, 11963 , 10180 , 11271
Futuretech 10180
America Action 10180
Bell & Howell 10154
Havermy 10093
Hello Kitty 10451
iLo 11990
Initial 11990
Carver 10054
Inteq 10017
JCB 10000
Jensen  10815, 11933 , 10761 , 10817
Anam National 10055
Kenwood 10030
Citizen  10092 , 10060 , 10030
Konka 10628, 10707
Kost 11262
KTV , 10030 , 10180


White Westinghouse  10623 , 10463
Loewe 10136
LXI  10054, 10156, 10047 , 10154 , 10178
Go Video 10886
Commercial Solutions  10047 11447
Marantz , 10030, 10855 , 10054 , 10704
Denstar 10628
Harman/Kardon 10054
Megapower 10700
Megatron , 10145 , 10178
Helios 10865
Midland  10017, 10047 , 10051
Mintek 11990
Monivision , 10843 , 10700
MTC  10030 , 10060

NAD , 10178, 10156 , 10866
NEC 11704 , 10030
NetTV 11755

Norcent 10824, 10748
NTC 10092

  4 Digit Universal Remote Control Codes & Programming Methods

TMK 10178
Olevia    11331 , 11144 ,
Onwa 10180
KEC 10180
OptomA 10887

TVS 10463
Optonica  10165 , 10093
Orion , 10463, 10236 , 11463
MGA , 10178, 10150 , 10030
Petters 11523
Philco , 10030 , 10054
Optimus  10250, 10650 , 10154 , 10166


Techview 10847

YamahA 10030
Pioneer 10679, 10866 , 10166

Portland 10092

Tatung  11756, 10055

Princeton  10717, 10700
Electrograph 11755
Proscan  10047, 11347 , 11447
KLH 10765, 10767
Pulsar 10017
Quasar , 10051, 10165, 10250 , 10055 , 10650
Realistic , 10180, 10030, 10154 , 10178 , 10165
Runco, 10030 , 10017
Maxent 11755
Matsushita  10650 , 10250


Teknika 10180, 10092 , 10054, 10150 , 10060
Scotch 10178

Viewsonic   10864 , 11330, 11755, 10857, 10885, 11578
Scott , 10180, 10178 , 10236
Sears  10054, 10154, 10178, 10159 , 10047 , 10156 , 10171
Multitech 10180
SigneT 11262
Simpson 10187
Proton 10466 , 10178
Squareview 10171
SSS 10180
Starlite 10180
Studio Experience 10843
Superscan 10864 10093
Supreme 10000 Penney 10047, 10156, 10051, 10060, 10178, 10030, 11347
SVA  , 10587, 10865, 10870 , 10748 , 10768 , 10871, 10872

Syntax  11240, 11331 , 11144
Tandy 10093
Waycon 10156
Technics  10051, 10250

Sampo  11755 , 10030
Telefunken 10702

TNCi 10017
Pilot 10030
Vector ResearcH 10030
Victor 10053
Sheng Chia 10093
Vtech 10178
Prism 10051
Wards  10178, 10030 , 10866, 11156 , 10054 , 10165
Soundesign  10178, 10180


Alena is a tech blogger with a passion for helping people get the most out of their electronic devices. she has extensive experience with universal remote control programs, TV repair, and device repair. she is always up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies, and she shares his knowledge with his readers in a clear and concise way.
