Sharp TV Codes
Sharp TV Codes for Dish Remote: Step-By-Step Program Guide
If you are trying to set up your Dish Network remote control to operate with your Sharp TV, it is the right place to get the complete information. A Dish Network remote can control multiple devices at a single time. The only thing you need is the Sharp TV Codes for Dish Remote & programming guide for the particular device.
In this tutorial, we will provide you a list of Sharp TV Codes for Dish Remote so you can effortlessly connect your Dish remote control to your television and enjoy a hassle-free and practical viewing experience.
These codes will enable your Sharp TV and Dish Network remote to operate together, whether you are replacing a lost remote or just looking to streamline your entertainment setup. Let’s get started and improve your TV-watching experience.
Dish Network Universal Remote Control Codes for Sharp Televisions
Here, you will come across Sharp TV codes for different versions of Dish Network remote control:Dish Network Remote Code Version Digit Code Sharp TV Codes 40.0, 50.0, 52.0, 54.0 4 Digit 2360 1756 4398 0818 0688 3183 0178 0885 2183 4618 2049 2434 0689 0706 0093 4740 0491 4507 3394 4892 0851 3519 1602 4121 20.1-21.1 3 Digit Code 521, 556, 654, 535, 546, 645, 505, 572, 628, 898, 627, 605, 651, 739, 803, 835, 629, EZRemote 3 Digit Codes 526 556 535 645 740 585 605 591 606 607 608 629 628 Basic Remote 3 Digit Codes 740 556 535 645 005 629 214 605 277 835 521 898 546 958 960 572 628 627 654 655 803 658 663 965 702 739 836 986 995 Platinum 3 Digit Codes 605 556 535 645 521 628 526 591 585 740 607 606 629 652 654 608 655 658 669 670 674 679 739 741 Platinum Plus 3 Digit Codes 628 556 535 645 526 605 585 608 591 740 606 607 629 Blue Button 3 Digit Code 628 556 535 645 526 605 585 740 591 607 606 629 608 3.4 & 4.4 3 Digit Code 605 556 535 645 521 739 526 506 505 585 628 835 607 713 629 606 740 652 908 741 654 655 803 658 610 836 679 777 913 794 500 898 529 5.4 & 6.4 3 Digit Code 741 556 535 645 521 605 628 526 739 652 585 773 128 777 607 803 836 629 505 898 913 654 835 655 674 740 658 794 422 541 500 517 6.2 3 Digit Code 605 556 535 645 521 739 526 658 585 740 669 607 670 628 674 629 679 652 741 654 608 655 20.0-21.0 3 Digit Code 628, 556, 521, 535, 505, 645, 572, 627, 654, 835, 651, 546, 585, 605, 369, 898, 526, 607, 573, 803, 739, 740, 629, 655, 115, 658, 515, 663, 702, 836, 001, 10.1 3 Digit Code 628, 556, 535, 645, 521, 526, 740, 585, 520, 605, 607, 739, 629, 652, 608, 654, 655, 658, 669, 670, 674, 679, 74
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