universal remote control & code
Time Warner Cable Remote Control Code &Program
Every brand of home entertainment devices you can control by “time warner cable remote control code”. Every remote not have the same programming methods. Through this remote, you can operate all your devices. Programming instruction is given below.Brand Code Adventura 060 Bell & Howell 030, 168 Curtis Mathes 030, 044, 053, 061, 065, 068, 070, 074, 107, 159, 168, 180, 465 Dumont 031, 033 Gilbrater 031, 033, 044 Akai 044 AOC 033, 044 Baysonic 194 Belcor 033 Brockwood 033 Candle 044, 070 Carnivale 044 Daewoo 033, 053, 106, 465, 637, 638 Envision 044 Citizen 044, 053, 070, 074, 106 GoldStar 033, 044, 070, 192 Ambassador 191 Emerson 033, 053, 168, 191, 192, 193, 194, 250, 477, 637, 638 Fujitsu 193 Funai 185, 193, 194 Alaron 193 Grunpy 193, 194 Contec 194 Craig 194 Crown 053, 194 American Action 194 Anam 194 Bradford 194 Audiovox 106, 194, 465, 637 CXC 194 Futuretech 194 Carver 068 Celebrity 014 Electroband 014 Dwin 734, 788 Admiral 107, 477 GE 035, 061, 065, 107, 149, 192, 296, 465 Denon 159 Brocksonic 250, 477 Aiko 106 Cineral 106, 465 Daytron 033 Brand Code JCB 014 Minutz 035 Penney 033, 035, 044, 053, 061, 065, 070, 074, 149, 170, 192 Portland 033, 053, 106 Midland 031, 053, 061, 065, 149 Pulsar 031, 033 Inteq 031 Harmon/Kardon 068 Infinity 068 JBL 068 Luxman 070 LG 070 Hitachi 065, 070, 159 Quasar 065, 179, 264 Panasonic 065, 264 Harley Davidson 193 Orion 193, 250, 477 Magnavox 044, 068, 193 Memorex 030, 070, 164, 168, 192, 264 LXI 061, 068, 168, 170, 192 Proscan 061 RCA 033, 061, 065, 104, 107, 149 Mitsubishi 033, 107, 164, 192 Motorola 107 Optonica 107, 179 Nikko 044, 106, 192 Prism 065 NTC 106 Harvard 194 Onwa 194 Multitech 194 KEC 194 Philco 033, 044, 068, 159, 477 MGA 033, 044, 164, 192 MTC 033, 044, 164, 192 NEC 033, 044, 070 Pilot 033, 044, 053 Kenwood 033, 044 NAD 170, 180, 192 Pioneer 180 Optimus 168, 180, 264 KTV 044, 053, 194 Marantz 044, 068 Megatron 159, 192 Brand Code Runco 031, 044, 617 Sampo 044, 053 Samsung 033, 044, 070, 074, 192 Samsux 053 Sansei 465 Sansui 477 Sanyo 168 Scimitsu 033 Scotch 192 Scott 033, 192, 193, 194, 250 Sears 061, 068, 070, 168, 170, 185, 192, 193 Semivox 194 Semp 170 Sharp 053, 107, 179 Shogun 033 Signature 030 Sony 014 Soundesign 192, 193, 194 Squareview 185 Starlite 194 SSS 033, 194 Supreme 014 Sylvania 044, 068 Symphonic 185 Tandy 107 Tatung 069 Technics 065, 264 Technol Ace 193 Techwood 065, 070 Teknika 030, 033, 053, 068, 070, 074, 106, 164, 193, 194 Telefunken 070 TMK 070, 191, 192 Toshiba 074, 168, 170 Totevision 053 Vector Research 044 Victor 067 Vidikron 068 Vidtech 030, 192 Wards 030, 033, 035, 044, 068, 070, 179, 192, 193 White Westinghouse 637, 638 Yamaha 033, 044 Zenith 030, 031, 106
Program Time Warner Remote
Programming Instruction for Time Warner Remote Control Codes:
STEP 1: Start your device that you want to program with time warner remote control such as (TV/DVD/VCR and man more).
STEP 2: Press these two buttons at the same time. “SELECT” button “MUTE” button, until the “POWER” button light comes “ON”.
STEP 3: Enter the 3-digit Time Warner Remote Codes. Which is suitable for the device. Found these “Time Warner Remote Codes” listed below in the table.
STEP 4: Enter the code using the number pad of your remote. If you enter the correct code then your device will turn “OFF”.
STEP 5: Tap the “MUTE” button from your remote. If your device turns “OFF” and immediately turn “ON”.
Then press the “SELECT” button from your Time Warner Remote Control. Then your code, as well as programming, saved.
If this not happen then you have to go for the next step6.
STEP 6: Enter the three-digit that is listed below. Try with every code for your device. When you enter the correct code your device will automatically turn’s “ON”.
Remember when your screen turns “ON”. Then immediately you press the “SELECT” button from your Time Warner Remote Control. By this process your code and programming method save. If this problem is not solved then you have to go through the given step below.
STEP 7: If you cannot find a suitable Time Warner Remote Control Codes then you can enter the code “9-9-1”.
Read More: How to Program a Spectrum Remote Control Code Step by Step
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